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Different Options with Foil Printing

GOIL FOIL STAMPED BUSINESS CARDSHuman beings, like moths and petrified deer, are mesmerized by shiny things. We’re drawn to the light and we like to pay top dollar for jewels and accessories that sparkle. But luckily there is one arena in life where you don’t have to fork over a lot of money for things that sparkle. That arena is the world of foil printing (basically, this means printing with metallic accents). Modern printing techniques employed by moderate- to large-scale commercial printers make it not only affordable but also excessively easy to add sparkle and shine to your finished print products.
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Silver or Gold Foil Stamped Business Cards

SILVER OR GOLD FOIL STAMPED BUSINESS CARDSIn some ways, humans are not much more evolved than flies. For one, both people and bugs are attracted to shiny objects. Take Elite Flyers’ foil stamping process for example. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Harvard-educated lawyer or a teenage girl who loves scribbling “I heart One Direction” on your spiral-bound notebooks; shiny foil-stamped business cards are bound to capture and hold your attention more effectively than plain paper business cards any day of the week.

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