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How Postcards Can Help Realtors

REALTOR LOGOSJust get your real estate license? Congratulations, so did just about everyone else we know! We’re just kidding — real estate can be a very profitable field to work in, but, as you undoubtedly know, having a license is not a guarantee to overnight success. Real estate is one of those fields where you make your own destiny, and while we can’t predict exactly what that destiny will look like, we can guarantee you one thing: If you don’t make any noise about yourself and let people know you’re the new realty king or queen on the block, your career is probably headed for mediocrity at best.
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flyers with spot uv on matte finishWhen it comes to flyer printing, there have never been more options than there are today. Flyer printing services can often be found at your local mom & pop printing shop, or through any number of internet-based printers. Depending on where you go, there may be a single flyer format offered, or a huge variety of options, combining different sizes, colors, and premium printing techniques. If you’re looking for a simple flyer that does nothing more than get your message across, almost any printer will probably work for you. But if you’re looking for flyer printing services with a little more pizazz, it makes sense to do a little research. You may find that the different printing service providers may offer wildly different prices for what is essentially the very same service. And we’re sorry to say it, but generally mom & pop is not going to be the operation with the lowest overhead. You may want to click around the internet quite a bit to see what the most prominent online printers are able to do as far as price and variety of service are concerned.
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Direct Mail Campaign Services

NEIGHBORHOOD SATURATION MAILING SERVICESSnail mail may be a dying mode of communication, but that’s actually an advantage when you’re advertising a business, event, gallery opening, special offer, or political campaign. Why, you ask? Well, because while everyone else is bombarding your potential client’s email inbox with stuff that will probably be routed right into his or her junk mail folder, you’ll be sending a custom-printed postcard offer he or she is guaranteed to actually pick up in his or her two hands. In this way, physical mail still has distinct advantages over electronic messages: one literally carries no weight, while the other puts a real-life letter in the consumer’s hand. Print an eye-catching postcard offer, and you’re guaranteed to make an impact and ultimately get a response.

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