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Design Valentine’s Day Business Cards and Flyers They’ll LOVE

Valentines Restaurant FlyerWhether you look to Valentine’s Day as a once-a-year opportunity to celebrate romance, or you think of it as a nagging reminder of the loneliness of the world, there is no debate about one thing – it’s definitely an excellent opportunity to make money. From the five-year-old looking to wow his kindergarten classmates with the very best candies and cardboard Valentine’s Day cards, to the shy guy-next-door desperate to finally make his affections known, everyone is eager to fork over their hard-earned salary (or allowance) on some sweet trinkets de amour during this yearly love fest. Read on to discover how you can print business cards (that aren’t really business cards) and flyers to get people thinking about your product or service as a potential gift for their sweethearts, friends and families, even if your goods have nothing romantic about them.
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When a Business Card is more than a Business Card

business card, business cards, plastic business card, plastic business cards, magnet, magnets, calendar magnets, calendar, calendarsBecause of the volume in which printing companies print business cards, they are one of the lease expensive marketing materials you can find. Why not exploit this situation to the advantage of your business? The business card format can do a lot more than carry your name and contact info. Check out these ideas for creative use of this inexpensive marketing tool.

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