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Picking a Printing Company

Silk Laminated Foil Stamped Business CardsAll across the United States – in Miami, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., San Antonio, Las Vegas, Chicago, New York and beyond – people need to print things. On an everyday basis, many people need to print a few documents for record keeping or the like. A little less frequently, people find themselves in need of thousands of pieces of printed materials – be them business cards, flyers, posters, postcards, direct mail marketing materials, brochures or booklets. And then they’re stuck trying to find the answer to this ever more difficult question: “Which frickin’ printing company should I choose?”
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What Makes a Good Printing Company

Printing CompanyThere have definitely never been so many options before when it comes to finding a good online printing company. All of them have their specialties, and many of them have their weak spots. But what is it that sets one apart from the others? If you’ve never really worked with a printing company before, or if you’ve always worked with the very same printing company, it can be hard to know what to look for. Having worked in the printing business for years, we feel that we’re qualified to point out the basics as far as what makes a printer worth hiring.
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Custom-Printed Bottleneck Hangers – Little-Known Marketing Magic-Makers

Who said you can’t make money by just hanging around? Okay, it’s true, loitering is not the best skill to base a career on, but a different kind of “hanging” can work wonders for certain businesses, and the marketing trend has recently seen an upswing.Bottle Neck Hangers

The tactic seems pretty simple – and it is – but because of its ingenuity, it gets results more often than one might expect. The on-site marketing method is known as custom-printed bottleneck hangers that advertise sales or discounts on all things beverage and nightlife related.
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Print Advertisements to Save Your A$$

Direct Mailing ServicesWe’ve got a lot of entrepreneurs and small business owners in our circle of friends, and so we get to see firsthand the ups and downs they go through with regard to business. From our observations, though, one thing holds steady for all of them. When they try to save money by cutting back on advertising, they do themselves no favors. It’s like a man who is dying of thirst and so dehydrated he can’t make his way out of the desert, and yet he saves his little canteen of water in case he has to put out a fire. That man has got to “spend” those drops of water to get himself to a faucet or a creek. Similarly, struggling businesses need to spend their dwindling funds to attract more customers, thereby replenishing their bank accounts. Yes, it’s a leap of faith, but just think about these wise words spoken by everyone’s favorite American author, Mark Twain:

“Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.”

That said, the “right kind” of advertising is going to vary by your business. But for many, printed advertisements are going to be the most financially accessible and effective tools to reel in new clients. (Don’t get us wrong – television and radio ads are also effective, but production costs are sky-high compared to the small investment needed to create great printed advertising.)
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