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Event Flyer Printing

full color next day flyer printing.300.300So you’re having an event, and you’re so excited about it, you want to shout it from the rooftops. But no matter how excited you are, trust us, there is no worse way to attract people to your party than to shout from a roof like a deranged lunatic. Instead, consider a tried and true method of letting people know you’re having a shindig. No, we don’t mean that you should become a wandering singing minstrel. Just print a flyer for chrissake!
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What Makes a Good Printing Company

Printing CompanyThere have definitely never been so many options before when it comes to finding a good online printing company. All of them have their specialties, and many of them have their weak spots. But what is it that sets one apart from the others? If you’ve never really worked with a printing company before, or if you’ve always worked with the very same printing company, it can be hard to know what to look for. Having worked in the printing business for years, we feel that we’re qualified to point out the basics as far as what makes a printer worth hiring.
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Next Day Flyers

Next Day FlyersSo you’ve got 80 magnums of Dom lined up behind the bar, ready for the blowout party you’re throwing in two days. The sickest DJ in town has confirmed he’ll be spinning from midnight to 4 a.m., and you’ve booked a hot young female DJ from the local college radio station as your opening act. You’ve rigged up a ceiling full of confetti that will rain down at the height of the night; you’ve hired dancers who will wear little but a few sequins to gyrate as the morning hours approach. Heck, you’ve even restocked the club bathrooms with chewing gum, baby wipes, and new bottles of perfume and cologne to amaze your guests with your thoughtful hospitality.

The one thing you forgot: to tell anyone about the party.
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