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Find a Printer

16pt Matte Finish Business CardsAnyone who knows how to touch a computer keyboard has the capacity to find a good printer these days. There are a host of print companies at your disposal, whether you live in Miami Beach, Florida or Juno, Alaska. Albernett, Iowa? Yes, we have you covered too, even though your population is only 548 (547 after little Susy-Ann Miller goes off to college next week!). No, in this wonderful age of the internet, there is a printer ready to serve you wherever you are, at the push of a button.
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Linen Business Cards Bring a Touch of Sophistication – Cheap!

linen business cardsLinen is one of the signature fabrics of Elite Flyer’s hometown – Miami Beach, Florida. We may now operate on a global scale, but we still cling to our South Florida roots, and our choice to offer linen business cards may have something to do with that.

South Beach is known for its sleek style and impeccable taste when it comes to fashion, and linen, with its naturally luxurious appearance – fits right into this hip beachy groove. Somewhat casual, totally stylish, eye-catching, and tasteful, linen is one of those fabrics that instantly lends class and outstanding looks to any outfit, no matter what city you live in. And it does the same thing when you use it as the backdrop for your business card. The texturized finish of these cards is similar to that of freshly washed linen – crisp, clean, and just a tiny bit rustic. They evoke a feeling of sturdiness, longevity, sophistication, and “hominess.” When you print a linen business card, the “fabric” finish will instantly lend the name on the front an air of time-tested dependability. As an added bonus, linen business cards are also elegant and attractive.
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