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It’s Better – and Cheaper – to Print with Professionals

Full Color Postcard Printer
When you’re trying to decide whether it’s more cost-effective to make dinner at home or to take the family to a restaurant, the choice is obvious. Going out to eat spares you the time it takes to prep and clean up after your meal – but you pay out the wazoo for the service and the supper.

With most things – building a closet, moving furniture, etc. – it’s cheaper to do it yourself. But that’s not the case with printing your own collaterals. Even if you have top-notch home or office printing equipment, you simply can’t match the cost-effectiveness of a gang-run online print company. And this is good news for you! It means you get all of the benefit of low-cost, high-quality printing, with none of the work.
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How to Make the Most of Your Online Printing Company

Printing Company Los AngelesWhen it comes to printing business cards, flyers, booklets, or even magazines, there are a ton of options out there, and many of them are relatively low-cost. This is because most of the larger online printing companies have wised up and are using the same gang-run print process that their competitors are using. This gang-run process means that an online printing company can run several jobs on the same machine at the same time, minimizing waste, time, and resources (like ink) so they can offer customers an affordable product that’s still of a very high quality.
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How to Use Stickers for Inexpensive Promotion

full color white vinyl
Next to eye-catching T-shirts, hot sticker designs are probably the most coveted marketing item you can create – especially if you’re trying to draw attention to your band, venue, art, or charitable cause. The great advantage stickers have over clothing is that they cost about 1/90th of the price to produce. But what makes for a good sticker design? What ventures go well with sticker promotion? Here are some ideas to get you started.

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Silk Laminated Business Cards – the Tuxedo of the Business Card World

When you want to make a great impression at a party, one surefire way is to drape yourself in luxurious fabrics like velvet, linen, cashmere, or best of all, silk. Silk is known for its delicate and smooth texture, its sophisticated, half matte, half shiny appearance, its cool, natural feel against the skin, and its luxurious appeal. This simple fabric does so much to add elegance and style to your body. Imagine if you could bring that same effortless style and class to other aspects of your life… like, for example, your business card?

It may sound crazy, but it’s a real thing. Silk laminated business cards bring all the class of a beautiful silk shirt or scarf right to the palm of your hand. Your name, your title, and your company name are all decked out on a smooth, beautifully textured card that reflects light just like real silk.
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