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Foil Printing

Full Color FoilIf your recent print advertisements, flyers, postcards, business cards, or other printed works seem to “lack luster” recently, you may consider trying an innovative and attractive new printing style to amp up the appeal of your marketing campaigns. Foil printing is a technique that brings the flash of precious metals to your printed materials, without your having to dish out a lot of your hard-earned coin to get the job done.
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Find a Printer

16pt Matte Finish Business CardsAnyone who knows how to touch a computer keyboard has the capacity to find a good printer these days. There are a host of print companies at your disposal, whether you live in Miami Beach, Florida or Juno, Alaska. Albernett, Iowa? Yes, we have you covered too, even though your population is only 548 (547 after little Susy-Ann Miller goes off to college next week!). No, in this wonderful age of the internet, there is a printer ready to serve you wherever you are, at the push of a button.
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How to Successfully Promote your Business at the Miami International Boat Show

Miami Beach Boat ShowIt should come as a surprise to no one that Miami is all about boats. Even a broke schmuck could end up on a boat by the end of any day in Miami if he rubs enough elbows with some of the thousands of people who own cigarette boats, yachts, sailboats, and party barges in this town. So it makes sense that we would also host one of the greatest annual boat shows in the world. The Miami International Boat Show, which runs from February 14 to February 18 this year, brings in tons of boat enthusiasts from near and far, many of whom are looking to buy boats, sea craft, or accessories for their precious vessels. Beyond all this, these show-goers will need to play, eat, and sleep while they’re here in South Florida. What all this means is that the Miami International Boat Show is the perfect opportunity for any business, boat-related or not, to lure in these visitors and the collective millions of dollars they’ve set aside for their stays in Miami. How can you do this well? By creating targeted promotions and making use of custom-printed flyers and brochures.
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Party Flyers

full color party flyerThere are pieces of paper people rarely like to receive. Among them are subpoenas, letters from the IRS, pink slips, and rejection letters. Nowhere to be found on that list, however, are the words “party flyers.” That is because these little rectangles of joy are welcomed by everyone who likes to have a wild time. (Note: people who have recently received any of the aforementioned “Debbie-Downer-documents” will be particularly eager to take your freshly-printed party flyer – it’s a fact.)
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Different Options with Foil Printing

GOIL FOIL STAMPED BUSINESS CARDSHuman beings, like moths and petrified deer, are mesmerized by shiny things. We’re drawn to the light and we like to pay top dollar for jewels and accessories that sparkle. But luckily there is one arena in life where you don’t have to fork over a lot of money for things that sparkle. That arena is the world of foil printing (basically, this means printing with metallic accents). Modern printing techniques employed by moderate- to large-scale commercial printers make it not only affordable but also excessively easy to add sparkle and shine to your finished print products.
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Full-Color Foil Business Cards and Flyers Set You Apart in a Flash

Ever see one of those long elaborate dragons they parade around during the Chinese New Year? They’re mesmerizing with a chain of metallic colors and other vibrant hues. Their florid designs make them impossible not to stare at, and their festive brightness brings a smile to every viewers face. They inspire hope for the coming year, a sense of celebration, and certainly a feeling of pride, both in the people who organize the artistic explosion of fun, and those who behold it.

What if your business card could borrow some of this enthusiastic, colorful energy? What if you could use some of those same festive metallics to inspire the enthusiasm of a New Year’s parade, but on a smaller scale? And on top of that, what if achieving such an effect was affordable and easy?

With Elite Flyers’ full-color foil printing, all of this is possible. Our full-color foil printing gives you the option to print your business card or flyer with full-color metallic inks, and at bargain prices.
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Kick Ass Business Cards

3D Lenticular Business Cards, 3D Business Cards, Full Color Print Company“Business people” may have had a stuffy reputation in years past. In today’s economy, though, in which entrepreneurship is thriving while the status quo corporate world wanes, “business” doesn’t look the way it used to. CEOs wear Chuck Taylors to work, employees are taking yoga classes on their lunch breaks at their quirky boss’s request, and office buildings are being designed as green spaces that compost apple cores and run partially on solar power. These kick ass new businesses are anything but ordinary. And they deserve to be represented by some KICK ASS BUSINESS CARDS!!!
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