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How Postcards Can Help Realtors

REALTOR LOGOSJust get your real estate license? Congratulations, so did just about everyone else we know! We’re just kidding — real estate can be a very profitable field to work in, but, as you undoubtedly know, having a license is not a guarantee to overnight success. Real estate is one of those fields where you make your own destiny, and while we can’t predict exactly what that destiny will look like, we can guarantee you one thing: If you don’t make any noise about yourself and let people know you’re the new realty king or queen on the block, your career is probably headed for mediocrity at best.
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Foil Printing

Full Color FoilIf your recent print advertisements, flyers, postcards, business cards, or other printed works seem to “lack luster” recently, you may consider trying an innovative and attractive new printing style to amp up the appeal of your marketing campaigns. Foil printing is a technique that brings the flash of precious metals to your printed materials, without your having to dish out a lot of your hard-earned coin to get the job done.
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Find a Printer

16pt Matte Finish Business CardsAnyone who knows how to touch a computer keyboard has the capacity to find a good printer these days. There are a host of print companies at your disposal, whether you live in Miami Beach, Florida or Juno, Alaska. Albernett, Iowa? Yes, we have you covered too, even though your population is only 548 (547 after little Susy-Ann Miller goes off to college next week!). No, in this wonderful age of the internet, there is a printer ready to serve you wherever you are, at the push of a button.
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What Makes a Good Printing Company

Printing CompanyThere have definitely never been so many options before when it comes to finding a good online printing company. All of them have their specialties, and many of them have their weak spots. But what is it that sets one apart from the others? If you’ve never really worked with a printing company before, or if you’ve always worked with the very same printing company, it can be hard to know what to look for. Having worked in the printing business for years, we feel that we’re qualified to point out the basics as far as what makes a printer worth hiring.
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Business Card Design Inspiration (Quiz)

Business Cards 16pt Card Stock Miami Printing CompanyA business card really has one basic purpose: to make your professional contact information as accessible to another party as possible. We acknowledge that this function must always be at the heart of the matter when it comes to effective business card design. But must it always be the beginning and END of the matter? We think not. You can make your business card do more for you if you employ a little business card inspiration in your design process.
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Party Flyers

full color party flyerThere are pieces of paper people rarely like to receive. Among them are subpoenas, letters from the IRS, pink slips, and rejection letters. Nowhere to be found on that list, however, are the words “party flyers.” That is because these little rectangles of joy are welcomed by everyone who likes to have a wild time. (Note: people who have recently received any of the aforementioned “Debbie-Downer-documents” will be particularly eager to take your freshly-printed party flyer – it’s a fact.)
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Foil Flyers

Full Color Foil SpecialIf you’re not in the printing industry, the words “foil flyers” may not mean much to you. But if you’re looking to print a flyer that will stand out in a sea of other printed marketing materials, it’s a good idea to get to know a little bit about foil printing. As their name implies, foil flyers are normal full-color printed flyers that have been enhanced with foil accents. Rather than use harsh chemical metallic inks, many printers have turned to using actual pieces of metal – gold or silver foil – in providing their foil printing services. The choice to forego metallic inks in the foil printing process is not only better for the environment, but also less expensive, as it makes use of materials that are less processed and more accessible than toxic chemical inks.
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Different Options with Foil Printing

GOIL FOIL STAMPED BUSINESS CARDSHuman beings, like moths and petrified deer, are mesmerized by shiny things. We’re drawn to the light and we like to pay top dollar for jewels and accessories that sparkle. But luckily there is one arena in life where you don’t have to fork over a lot of money for things that sparkle. That arena is the world of foil printing (basically, this means printing with metallic accents). Modern printing techniques employed by moderate- to large-scale commercial printers make it not only affordable but also excessively easy to add sparkle and shine to your finished print products.
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Print Advertisements to Save Your A$$

Direct Mailing ServicesWe’ve got a lot of entrepreneurs and small business owners in our circle of friends, and so we get to see firsthand the ups and downs they go through with regard to business. From our observations, though, one thing holds steady for all of them. When they try to save money by cutting back on advertising, they do themselves no favors. It’s like a man who is dying of thirst and so dehydrated he can’t make his way out of the desert, and yet he saves his little canteen of water in case he has to put out a fire. That man has got to “spend” those drops of water to get himself to a faucet or a creek. Similarly, struggling businesses need to spend their dwindling funds to attract more customers, thereby replenishing their bank accounts. Yes, it’s a leap of faith, but just think about these wise words spoken by everyone’s favorite American author, Mark Twain:

“Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.”

That said, the “right kind” of advertising is going to vary by your business. But for many, printed advertisements are going to be the most financially accessible and effective tools to reel in new clients. (Don’t get us wrong – television and radio ads are also effective, but production costs are sky-high compared to the small investment needed to create great printed advertising.)
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Business Card Printing for Realtors

Real Estate Business CardsIf you’re a realtor, let’s face it: You’re not alone! There are a lot of people playing your game, and if you want to stand out, you’ve got to have an eye for detail, from your dress to your office décor to your business card.

Top realtors do a number of things very well to set themselves apart. These include showing up early, putting in a lot of hours, being available, and being consistent. Dressing neatly and maintaining good hygiene are obviously essential elements to success in any field, including real estate. Long term success depends also on being honest (yes, you can land a few profitable deals by being dishonest, but you can expect to have a short-lived career if you bank on such practices), staying focused on your goals, delineating your area of expertise (people like it when you do one thing very well – they often don’t trust professionals who seem to be spreading themselves too thin), and recovering quickly if you don’t strike the agreement you were hoping to strike. Move on, move up!
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