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Design Valentine’s Day Business Cards and Flyers They’ll LOVE

Valentines Restaurant FlyerWhether you look to Valentine’s Day as a once-a-year opportunity to celebrate romance, or you think of it as a nagging reminder of the loneliness of the world, there is no debate about one thing – it’s definitely an excellent opportunity to make money. From the five-year-old looking to wow his kindergarten classmates with the very best candies and cardboard Valentine’s Day cards, to the shy guy-next-door desperate to finally make his affections known, everyone is eager to fork over their hard-earned salary (or allowance) on some sweet trinkets de amour during this yearly love fest. Read on to discover how you can print business cards (that aren’t really business cards) and flyers to get people thinking about your product or service as a potential gift for their sweethearts, friends and families, even if your goods have nothing romantic about them.
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Find a Printer

16pt Matte Finish Business CardsAnyone who knows how to touch a computer keyboard has the capacity to find a good printer these days. There are a host of print companies at your disposal, whether you live in Miami Beach, Florida or Juno, Alaska. Albernett, Iowa? Yes, we have you covered too, even though your population is only 548 (547 after little Susy-Ann Miller goes off to college next week!). No, in this wonderful age of the internet, there is a printer ready to serve you wherever you are, at the push of a button.
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Flyers and Brochures to Promote During Miami’s Wine & Food Festival

wineIt’s already that time of year again! The Miami Wine and Food Festival is fast approaching, and it’s time to start thinking about how to use this ever-growing festival to your business’s advantage – whether you’re in the food biz or not! The dates on the WFF this year are April 17 to 20, so now is the perfect time to begin preparing your business for success at the fest – specifically, it’s a great time to begin designing flyers and brochures to let the influx of tourists and visitors know what your business is about, why they should spend their money with you, and how they can get there.
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Picking a Printing Company

Silk Laminated Foil Stamped Business CardsAll across the United States – in Miami, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., San Antonio, Las Vegas, Chicago, New York and beyond – people need to print things. On an everyday basis, many people need to print a few documents for record keeping or the like. A little less frequently, people find themselves in need of thousands of pieces of printed materials – be them business cards, flyers, posters, postcards, direct mail marketing materials, brochures or booklets. And then they’re stuck trying to find the answer to this ever more difficult question: “Which frickin’ printing company should I choose?”
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Event Flyer Printing

full color next day flyer printing.300.300So you’re having an event, and you’re so excited about it, you want to shout it from the rooftops. But no matter how excited you are, trust us, there is no worse way to attract people to your party than to shout from a roof like a deranged lunatic. Instead, consider a tried and true method of letting people know you’re having a shindig. No, we don’t mean that you should become a wandering singing minstrel. Just print a flyer for chrissake!
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Flyer Printing in Miami

SILK LAMINATED NIGHT CLUB FLYERS MIAMIWhether you’re a visitor, a resident, or a person who has heard stories but never set foot in the town, you probably won’t be surprised to hear that Miami is a city that needs flyers. Miami is a place where things happen, and the people who make these things happen need a go-to source to print flyers to let people know what’s going on. Especially in a city like Miami that has a high tourist population, flyer printing is an essential method of letting people know where to go, what to try, and what to buy. Think about it: if you’re not a permanent resident, you can’t be reached by traditional post. This makes the hand-to-hand distribution of flyers an essential method of getting the word out about businesses and special events.
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What Makes a Good Printing Company

Printing CompanyThere have definitely never been so many options before when it comes to finding a good online printing company. All of them have their specialties, and many of them have their weak spots. But what is it that sets one apart from the others? If you’ve never really worked with a printing company before, or if you’ve always worked with the very same printing company, it can be hard to know what to look for. Having worked in the printing business for years, we feel that we’re qualified to point out the basics as far as what makes a printer worth hiring.
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Custom-Printed Bottleneck Hangers – Little-Known Marketing Magic-Makers

Who said you can’t make money by just hanging around? Okay, it’s true, loitering is not the best skill to base a career on, but a different kind of “hanging” can work wonders for certain businesses, and the marketing trend has recently seen an upswing.Bottle Neck Hangers

The tactic seems pretty simple – and it is – but because of its ingenuity, it gets results more often than one might expect. The on-site marketing method is known as custom-printed bottleneck hangers that advertise sales or discounts on all things beverage and nightlife related.
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Party Flyers

full color party flyerThere are pieces of paper people rarely like to receive. Among them are subpoenas, letters from the IRS, pink slips, and rejection letters. Nowhere to be found on that list, however, are the words “party flyers.” That is because these little rectangles of joy are welcomed by everyone who likes to have a wild time. (Note: people who have recently received any of the aforementioned “Debbie-Downer-documents” will be particularly eager to take your freshly-printed party flyer – it’s a fact.)
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Door-to-Door Marketing

direct mailing flyers EDDMYou can take it from Willy Loman, or directly from us: the days of the traditional door-to-door salesman are more or less over. No, you don’t see many grown men toting suitcases and trunks full of knick-knacks or life insurance portfolios through the neighborhood anymore. But luckily (or un-luckily for those poor obsolete salesmen) new innovation in door-to-door marketing has stepped in to take these old warhorses’ places. There are now ways of reaching every home in the neighborhood like the old door-to-door marketing men did – except now it doesn’t matter whether the mister and missus are home or whether they care to open the door to a kindly stranger. Because now these marketing goals can be achieved with direct marketing campaigns, also known as Every Door Direct Marketing (EDDM) campaigns. With the combined powers of this tool from the U.S. Postal Service and a knowledgeable printer who is able to supply you with the necessary collaterals and design help to maximize the service, you can have a successful direct marketing campaign up and running for a huge return on your tiny investment.
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