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4 Ways to Keep in Constant Contact with Your Customers

Newsletters, Custom printed Newsletters, Magnets, Custom Printed Magnets, Direct Mailing Service, Direct Mail CampaignsSending daily emails is a sure way to make your customers resent you, or worse, direct your emails straight to their “trash.” To avoid this fate, we recommend varying your means of contacting your customers. When your outreach is always fresh and new, they’ll be more likely to pay attention and follow up. Read the rest of this entry

Go Beyond with These 3 Innovative-Yet-Retro Marketing Techniques

Print Company, Print, Advertising, Retro Marketing, Vinyl Signs, Banners, Direct Mail, Direct Mail Campaigns, StickersIn this fast-paced world, it’s sometimes easy to get stuck in the digital box. But old-school marketing techniques and tools are sometimes more effective than all the gigabytes in the world. Case in point: look at all the businesses that have gone back to basics, hiring people to stand on the street and wave funky signs in the air or don silly costumes. Can you honestly say that these haven’t nabbed your attention?

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