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Door-to-Door Marketing

direct mailing flyers EDDMYou can take it from Willy Loman, or directly from us: the days of the traditional door-to-door salesman are more or less over. No, you don’t see many grown men toting suitcases and trunks full of knick-knacks or life insurance portfolios through the neighborhood anymore. But luckily (or un-luckily for those poor obsolete salesmen) new innovation in door-to-door marketing has stepped in to take these old warhorses’ places. There are now ways of reaching every home in the neighborhood like the old door-to-door marketing men did – except now it doesn’t matter whether the mister and missus are home or whether they care to open the door to a kindly stranger. Because now these marketing goals can be achieved with direct marketing campaigns, also known as Every Door Direct Marketing (EDDM) campaigns. With the combined powers of this tool from the U.S. Postal Service and a knowledgeable printer who is able to supply you with the necessary collaterals and design help to maximize the service, you can have a successful direct marketing campaign up and running for a huge return on your tiny investment.
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Next Day Flyers

Next Day FlyersSo you’ve got 80 magnums of Dom lined up behind the bar, ready for the blowout party you’re throwing in two days. The sickest DJ in town has confirmed he’ll be spinning from midnight to 4 a.m., and you’ve booked a hot young female DJ from the local college radio station as your opening act. You’ve rigged up a ceiling full of confetti that will rain down at the height of the night; you’ve hired dancers who will wear little but a few sequins to gyrate as the morning hours approach. Heck, you’ve even restocked the club bathrooms with chewing gum, baby wipes, and new bottles of perfume and cologne to amaze your guests with your thoughtful hospitality.

The one thing you forgot: to tell anyone about the party.
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Silk Laminated Business Cards – the Tuxedo of the Business Card World

When you want to make a great impression at a party, one surefire way is to drape yourself in luxurious fabrics like velvet, linen, cashmere, or best of all, silk. Silk is known for its delicate and smooth texture, its sophisticated, half matte, half shiny appearance, its cool, natural feel against the skin, and its luxurious appeal. This simple fabric does so much to add elegance and style to your body. Imagine if you could bring that same effortless style and class to other aspects of your life… like, for example, your business card?

It may sound crazy, but it’s a real thing. Silk laminated business cards bring all the class of a beautiful silk shirt or scarf right to the palm of your hand. Your name, your title, and your company name are all decked out on a smooth, beautifully textured card that reflects light just like real silk.
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Direct Mail Campaign Services

NEIGHBORHOOD SATURATION MAILING SERVICESSnail mail may be a dying mode of communication, but that’s actually an advantage when you’re advertising a business, event, gallery opening, special offer, or political campaign. Why, you ask? Well, because while everyone else is bombarding your potential client’s email inbox with stuff that will probably be routed right into his or her junk mail folder, you’ll be sending a custom-printed postcard offer he or she is guaranteed to actually pick up in his or her two hands. In this way, physical mail still has distinct advantages over electronic messages: one literally carries no weight, while the other puts a real-life letter in the consumer’s hand. Print an eye-catching postcard offer, and you’re guaranteed to make an impact and ultimately get a response.

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