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How to Successfully Promote your Business at the Miami International Boat Show

Miami Beach Boat ShowIt should come as a surprise to no one that Miami is all about boats. Even a broke schmuck could end up on a boat by the end of any day in Miami if he rubs enough elbows with some of the thousands of people who own cigarette boats, yachts, sailboats, and party barges in this town. So it makes sense that we would also host one of the greatest annual boat shows in the world. The Miami International Boat Show, which runs from February 14 to February 18 this year, brings in tons of boat enthusiasts from near and far, many of whom are looking to buy boats, sea craft, or accessories for their precious vessels. Beyond all this, these show-goers will need to play, eat, and sleep while they’re here in South Florida. What all this means is that the Miami International Boat Show is the perfect opportunity for any business, boat-related or not, to lure in these visitors and the collective millions of dollars they’ve set aside for their stays in Miami. How can you do this well? By creating targeted promotions and making use of custom-printed flyers and brochures.
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Flyers and Brochures to Promote During Miami’s Wine & Food Festival

wineIt’s already that time of year again! The Miami Wine and Food Festival is fast approaching, and it’s time to start thinking about how to use this ever-growing festival to your business’s advantage – whether you’re in the food biz or not! The dates on the WFF this year are April 17 to 20, so now is the perfect time to begin preparing your business for success at the fest – specifically, it’s a great time to begin designing flyers and brochures to let the influx of tourists and visitors know what your business is about, why they should spend their money with you, and how they can get there.
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The Difference Between Pamphlets and Leaflets

Icustom-printed-brochures-with-spot-uvf the word pamphlet” makes you think of uncomfortable waits in the doctor’s office and/or the smell of medical-grade disinfectant, you’re not alone. Those folded bundles of disturbing news about rheumatoid arthritis, jaundice and urinary tract infections may have left a bad taste in your mouth, and for good reason. But there’s no need to let those less than stellar encounters with pamphlets get in the way of your using them to your benefit in the future. Pamphlets, leaflets, brochures, and other paper paraphernalia can be a great boost to your business and a great way to educate others about your product, service or cause (even if that cause is rheumatoid arthritis awareness).

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Networking Opportunities in Your Hometown

Full Print Company, Custom Printed Business Cards, Networking, Marketing, Custom Printed Brochures, Brochures, Business Cards, Custom Printed Flyers, Flyers, Facebook MarketingSeeing as we’re in the business card business, we often have conversations with customers about how their companies are doing. We’re always happy to hear about ventures that are flourishing, but we always pay special attention when clients are having trouble as well. One common complaint goes something like this: Read the rest of this entry