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Tips for Banner Design and Printing

Retractable BannerUnless you’re trying to run some secretive underground nightclub, your business needs some kind of marking to let potential guests know it’s there. In choosing how to broadcast your name to the public, there are a few different options. You can have a custom sign painted or printed. These can cost a pretty penny, and they’re often very heavy and immobile – they’ll generally be affixed to the wall on the outside of your establishment. This is great if you have a big business that’s completely stationary. But if your operation sometimes hits the road for tradeshows, to do product samplings, or to represent in other capacities outside your store, it can be nice to have a banner that’s bold, bright, lightweight and fully portable so that you can create instant visibility and mobile advertising, wherever you might roam.

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Print Advertisements to Save Your A$$

Direct Mailing ServicesWe’ve got a lot of entrepreneurs and small business owners in our circle of friends, and so we get to see firsthand the ups and downs they go through with regard to business. From our observations, though, one thing holds steady for all of them. When they try to save money by cutting back on advertising, they do themselves no favors. It’s like a man who is dying of thirst and so dehydrated he can’t make his way out of the desert, and yet he saves his little canteen of water in case he has to put out a fire. That man has got to “spend” those drops of water to get himself to a faucet or a creek. Similarly, struggling businesses need to spend their dwindling funds to attract more customers, thereby replenishing their bank accounts. Yes, it’s a leap of faith, but just think about these wise words spoken by everyone’s favorite American author, Mark Twain:

“Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising.”

That said, the “right kind” of advertising is going to vary by your business. But for many, printed advertisements are going to be the most financially accessible and effective tools to reel in new clients. (Don’t get us wrong – television and radio ads are also effective, but production costs are sky-high compared to the small investment needed to create great printed advertising.)
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Go Beyond with These 3 Innovative-Yet-Retro Marketing Techniques

Print Company, Print, Advertising, Retro Marketing, Vinyl Signs, Banners, Direct Mail, Direct Mail Campaigns, StickersIn this fast-paced world, it’s sometimes easy to get stuck in the digital box. But old-school marketing techniques and tools are sometimes more effective than all the gigabytes in the world. Case in point: look at all the businesses that have gone back to basics, hiring people to stand on the street and wave funky signs in the air or don silly costumes. Can you honestly say that these haven’t nabbed your attention?

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Choosing the Perfect Fonts for Your Marketing Materials

Flyer Printing, Fonts, Business CardsIt may seem like a minor detail, but in fact a font can evoke a very strong and very specific feeling or response in the beholder. Throwback fonts like Courier, which mimics the look of text from a typewriter, can create a time-tested, reliable image, but lack the modernity some brands require. Lucida Handwriting has a feminine aesthetic, which works for beauty salons, but not for hardware stores or tire wholesalers. And Times New Roman carries an academic association that could work for businesses who would like to appear studious, but will fall flat if used by a nightclub or luxury spa.

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