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CMYK vs. RGB Color for the Design of Your Printed Products

CMYK vs RGBIf you weren’t born in the year 2000 or later and acronym-overloads tend to make your head spin, you may be interested in a breakdown of two popular abbreviated terms in the printing world: CMYK and RGB.

Both CMYK and RGB are acronyms that stand for modes of color use in design and in printing. CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (the people who came up with the acronym used “K” instead of “B” for black to avoid confusion with the “B” for blue in RGB), whereas RGB represents Red, Green, and Blue.
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How Postcards Can Help Realtors

REALTOR LOGOSJust get your real estate license? Congratulations, so did just about everyone else we know! We’re just kidding — real estate can be a very profitable field to work in, but, as you undoubtedly know, having a license is not a guarantee to overnight success. Real estate is one of those fields where you make your own destiny, and while we can’t predict exactly what that destiny will look like, we can guarantee you one thing: If you don’t make any noise about yourself and let people know you’re the new realty king or queen on the block, your career is probably headed for mediocrity at best.
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Design Valentine’s Day Business Cards and Flyers They’ll LOVE

Valentines Restaurant FlyerWhether you look to Valentine’s Day as a once-a-year opportunity to celebrate romance, or you think of it as a nagging reminder of the loneliness of the world, there is no debate about one thing – it’s definitely an excellent opportunity to make money. From the five-year-old looking to wow his kindergarten classmates with the very best candies and cardboard Valentine’s Day cards, to the shy guy-next-door desperate to finally make his affections known, everyone is eager to fork over their hard-earned salary (or allowance) on some sweet trinkets de amour during this yearly love fest. Read on to discover how you can print business cards (that aren’t really business cards) and flyers to get people thinking about your product or service as a potential gift for their sweethearts, friends and families, even if your goods have nothing romantic about them.
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Foil Printing

Full Color FoilIf your recent print advertisements, flyers, postcards, business cards, or other printed works seem to “lack luster” recently, you may consider trying an innovative and attractive new printing style to amp up the appeal of your marketing campaigns. Foil printing is a technique that brings the flash of precious metals to your printed materials, without your having to dish out a lot of your hard-earned coin to get the job done.
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Find a Printer

16pt Matte Finish Business CardsAnyone who knows how to touch a computer keyboard has the capacity to find a good printer these days. There are a host of print companies at your disposal, whether you live in Miami Beach, Florida or Juno, Alaska. Albernett, Iowa? Yes, we have you covered too, even though your population is only 548 (547 after little Susy-Ann Miller goes off to college next week!). No, in this wonderful age of the internet, there is a printer ready to serve you wherever you are, at the push of a button.
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Tips for Banner Design and Printing

Retractable BannerUnless you’re trying to run some secretive underground nightclub, your business needs some kind of marking to let potential guests know it’s there. In choosing how to broadcast your name to the public, there are a few different options. You can have a custom sign painted or printed. These can cost a pretty penny, and they’re often very heavy and immobile – they’ll generally be affixed to the wall on the outside of your establishment. This is great if you have a big business that’s completely stationary. But if your operation sometimes hits the road for tradeshows, to do product samplings, or to represent in other capacities outside your store, it can be nice to have a banner that’s bold, bright, lightweight and fully portable so that you can create instant visibility and mobile advertising, wherever you might roam.

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How to Successfully Promote your Business at the Miami International Boat Show

Miami Beach Boat ShowIt should come as a surprise to no one that Miami is all about boats. Even a broke schmuck could end up on a boat by the end of any day in Miami if he rubs enough elbows with some of the thousands of people who own cigarette boats, yachts, sailboats, and party barges in this town. So it makes sense that we would also host one of the greatest annual boat shows in the world. The Miami International Boat Show, which runs from February 14 to February 18 this year, brings in tons of boat enthusiasts from near and far, many of whom are looking to buy boats, sea craft, or accessories for their precious vessels. Beyond all this, these show-goers will need to play, eat, and sleep while they’re here in South Florida. What all this means is that the Miami International Boat Show is the perfect opportunity for any business, boat-related or not, to lure in these visitors and the collective millions of dollars they’ve set aside for their stays in Miami. How can you do this well? By creating targeted promotions and making use of custom-printed flyers and brochures.
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Flyers and Brochures to Promote During Miami’s Wine & Food Festival

wineIt’s already that time of year again! The Miami Wine and Food Festival is fast approaching, and it’s time to start thinking about how to use this ever-growing festival to your business’s advantage – whether you’re in the food biz or not! The dates on the WFF this year are April 17 to 20, so now is the perfect time to begin preparing your business for success at the fest – specifically, it’s a great time to begin designing flyers and brochures to let the influx of tourists and visitors know what your business is about, why they should spend their money with you, and how they can get there.
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Picking a Printing Company

Silk Laminated Foil Stamped Business CardsAll across the United States – in Miami, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., San Antonio, Las Vegas, Chicago, New York and beyond – people need to print things. On an everyday basis, many people need to print a few documents for record keeping or the like. A little less frequently, people find themselves in need of thousands of pieces of printed materials – be them business cards, flyers, posters, postcards, direct mail marketing materials, brochures or booklets. And then they’re stuck trying to find the answer to this ever more difficult question: “Which frickin’ printing company should I choose?”
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Foil Stamped Business Cards with Silk Lamination

goil foil stamped business cardsIt doesn’t matter how high your IQ is. Everyone – smart, dumb, young, and old – likes shiny things. As humans, our eyes just gravitate toward light, and there’s no exception when it comes to business cards that have a little flash.

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