How Postcards Can Help Realtors

REALTOR LOGOSJust get your real estate license? Congratulations, so did just about everyone else we know! We’re just kidding — real estate can be a very profitable field to work in, but, as you undoubtedly know, having a license is not a guarantee to overnight success. Real estate is one of those fields where you make your own destiny, and while we can’t predict exactly what that destiny will look like, we can guarantee you one thing: If you don’t make any noise about yourself and let people know you’re the new realty king or queen on the block, your career is probably headed for mediocrity at best.

Think about it. The most successful realtors are the ones who are visible. You see billboards with their cheesy smiles plastered across them. Those same cheesy smiles are broadcast out from bus stations and yard signs. So while you may not have the advertising budget to put your face over the highway just yet, you definitely do have the dough to make some strides forward in advertising. Postcards, flyers, and of course business cards are a good place to start.

Realtor EDDM PostcardFor realtors, postcard printing is one of the most economical and effective ways to make your name and expertise known to the neighborhoods you serve or plan to serve. The process to get these postcards printed and sent could hardly be easier. Some printers even often turnkey postcard design, printing, and neighborhood saturation mailing services, making it almost effortless for you to get the word out.

The design of such postcards does not have to be overly complicated. It is a good idea to get a headshot taken for your flyer that makes you look trustworthy, approachable, and professional. Hey, a tiny bit of sex appeal never hurt either, but we’d advise against too much cleavage or any lip licking. Of course that’s just us. But once you have your headshot, you can either design your postcard yourself, get in touch with a professional graphic designer, or send your picture and your preferences along to a professional printer who has in-house graphic designers. Think about using tasteful color schemes that are relatively low-key and that will inspire ideas of reliability. Think about the characteristics people value most in a realtor: honesty, consistency, good communication, diligence, frugality, and high energy. Colors that convey these ideals are generally cooler and more temperate – blues, greens, and purples. But your postcard design should also be a reflection of your personality, so if you need to punch it up with some kinetic orange, red, or yellow, more power to you.

Another thing to consider is the addition of metallics to your realty postcard design. Foil stamping is an easy and affordable way to add eye-catching yet tasteful accents to your postcard, whether you choose to highlight your own name, the realty company name, a certain logo, or to create a pattern or special graphic with your metallic highlights. This premium printing option is very effective for realtors seeking to set themselves apart by putting extra thought into the printed materials that represent them.

If you’d rather leave the design, printing, and mailing of your realty flyers in the hands of professionals, for one very low cost, you may Realty Direct Mail Flyersseek out a printer who offers full service EDDM design, printing and mailing. EDDM stands for Every Door Direct Mailing, and it means just that. Printers who use this service usually offer a package that includes design services, printing, and then actual delivery (through the US Postal Service) to an entire zip code or just sections of a neighborhood within that zip code, for a very low cost per piece of mail. As a realtor, you may find this service invaluable. With it, you can reach every person in your targeted radius, putting your name, your face, your areas of expertise, and your contact information directly in their hands. And the best part is that you barely have to do anything. You tell the printer what kind of design or “feel” you’re looking for, you deliver the text and photos you want displayed, and you tell them to whom you want your postcard delivered. Then they take it from there. You can just sit back and wait for the magic to happen.

If you want to succeed in the realty game, you can’t be afraid to toot your own horn. Custom printed postcards are one very affordable and effective way to do just that. Get in touch with a trusted printer today and inquire about full-service EDDM marketing campaigns to get the most for your time and money.

Posted on February 12, 2013, in Design, Marketing, Printing and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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